I spent the most wonderful day immersed in nature the other day. Just hiking through the deep forest in the mountains, finding a tiny waterfall and showering in the cleanest water, enjoying the stillness and ending the day with a swim in one of the most beautiful lakes, crystal clear water that made me feel so alive and letting the sun kiss my skin. I hiked in my underwear after the waterfall shower to let it dry again and instead of worrying how I look I just enjoyed the freedom I felt in that moment. Because there was no one there that cared and so neither did I, because that‘s what it should be all about. Being spontaneous and not overthinking. Because we are all so good at this but I knew that was not the place or time to be.
And so I realized it once again. How rejuvenating and healing time spent in nature is. It amazes me every time and I am reminded of the home that is always right in front of us. A safe place. A healing place. A peaceful place. Wheter it is the woods, a lake, the ocean, the mountains or a field of flowers, the diversity nature offers is amazing. This year I have been feeling the season changing from winter to spring and now slowly to summer more than ever before.
The more I feel connected to myself the more I feel connected to everything around me. Nothing is separate anymore, nothing is missing anymore.
Witnessing how the trees have been growing and flowers been blossoming or how the sun is shining differently now it all makes me appreciate change immensely. And not just change itself but to see the beauty in every phase. It‘s about where I put my attention. And it goes hand in hand with my own phases that I go through. Seeing the beauty within my journey no matter where I am at right now. Trusting the process and knowing there‘s different times to bloom and the ones to lose old leaves.
Nature to me is the biggest teacher and the last few years have been so healing for me because of choosing to spenf all possible time there. I would walk into the woods with a clouded and worried mind, anxious and sad, but I would always walk out reborn, clear, calm and peaceful. It was like I was reminded to trust and to just be as soon as I walked under these majestic trees. And it really is like that isn‘t it? How nature makes you feel tiny and you are being reminded of how big you make yourself and your problems. But by doing that you seperate yourself from the rest that is. And eventually you lose sight of the wonderful gifts this life has to offer that you just need to choose to see.
Next time you take a walk in the green lands or at the beach, wherever you are, observe. Look closely at the plants, the sand, the water, the sky. Curious like a child and feel light. Dance in the rain, swim in that freezing water and hug a tree. Go with all the time in the world, don‘t think of what was before or what will come after but just be there fully. Or roadtrip to a new place and just leave your familiar surroundings. You will be amazed of how different you feel and see things once you return. And do it as often as possible. At first you might think it‘s a waste of time but no matter how urgent something is, you will always do better after you connected to yourself and the most beautiful back garden there is: Mother Nature.
From Larissa with Love